Picture of Patrick, owner of this site

Welcome to panisch.com

Sharing some thoughts

Starting my new blog

All about my new website and a fresh start.


Picture of a sunset in Africa.

Today I start a new blog. This is actually the third generation of my blog. First I started with the PHP framework Joomla (2009), then I moved to WordPress (2011) and now ended up with the static-only site generator Hugo. It seems I am getting minimal also with my tech.

So, what’s this blog all about? Well, I’m not so sure yet, to be honest. But I think I want to tell people stuff - but not with any of the social media platforms out there. I didn’t get far with those. And now you’ve found me here anyway, right?

Most likely I will write about IT and technology, climate and life, travel stories and I might show you a nice photograph here and there. Actually, all the photos you see on this blog are mine, please ask me if you want to use them. I might say yes…

Sometimes I will write in English, sometimes in German (sometimes in both) depending on the topic and the audience. You can select the language in the top right corner.

My name is Patrick. Enjoy the blog!

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Hey there! My name is Patrick and I live and work in Stuttgart, Germany. I write about IT and technology, climate and life, travel stories and I might show you a nice photograph here and there. Enjoy the blog! PS: Ändere die Sprache auf Deutsch, wenn du magst, in der oberen rechten Ecke.